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teeth whitening Gymea,Best dentist Miranda


A whiter smile in the comfort of your own home


Are your teeth stained or discolored? Teeth can lose their whiteness for many reasons, and this can affect how we look and feel, but teeth whitening kits can offer a solution.


Talk to our dentists at Dentashire to find out about our home teeth whitening kit options that could help to enhance or restore your smile. We’ll tell you everything you need to know about what the treatment involves, including any possible risks, so you can decide if it’s right for you.



dentist Gymea
teeth whitening gymea


Why do teeth lose their whiteness?

Not everyone’s teeth are naturally white. Genetics and natural ageing can also cause teeth to appear less white, but other causes of teeth stains and discoloration are usually down to diet and lifestyle factors.

These include:

  • Food and drink stains from tea and coffee, soft drinks, red and white wine and strongly-coloured foods such as berries and beetroot

  • Tobacco use

  • Not brushing and flossing your teeth correctly

  • Injuries to your teeth

  • Certain health conditions, treatments and medications



Am I suitable for a teeth whitening home kit?

Not everyone is a candidate for teeth whitening. That’s because these treatments can only cover up certain types of stains and discoloration. Our dentists can determine whether you’re suitable by assessing your mouth and asking about your dental and medical history.

In most cases, teeth whitening is effective at covering up yellow or brown stains caused by ageing, tobacco and certain food and drinks, such as tea, coffee and wine.

However, it’s less effective at whitening teeth that appear grey, black or other colors, especially if the discoloration was caused by an injury, a health problem or a side-effect of medication. Teeth whitening also doesn’t work on dental restorations such as crowns or fillings.

Even if you’re not eligible for a take-home tooth whitening kit, we may still be able to help you with other cosmetic dental treatments, such as veneers.



How does teeth whitening work?

If you’re interested in a whitening treatment, our dentists will examine your mouth to check that you’re suitable and discuss your goals so we understand what you want from the treatment. We’ll make sure you have a realistic idea of what to expect and will formulate a whitening gel at the right consistency you need.

We’ll also take impressions of your teeth, which will be used to create your custom whitening trays. These are designed to fit perfectly over your teeth, to ensure all surfaces will be whitened evenly. We can provide these custom trays at your next visit when we’ll also demonstrate how to use them for the most effective results.

You can then begin your whitening treatment at home, following your dentist’s advice about how often to wear the trays and for how long to achieve your desired results. We’ll arrange follow-up appointments to monitor your progress, and we can provide replacement gel in the future to help you maintain your white smile as it fades.



Is teeth whitening safe?

We’ll make sure you know the possible risks of teeth whitening before you commit, and we’re always happy to answer your questions so you can make an informed decision for yourself.

When you follow our instructions and use your home whitening kit correctly, you shouldn’t have any negative side effects from teeth whitening. Your teeth may feel sensitive during the treatment, but this should go away shortly after.


The risks are higher if you use a teeth whitening kit purchased from a store, especially if the whitening gel comes into contact with your gums or other soft tissues in your mouth. These kits are also more likely to produce uneven results, as the trays are not custom-made to fit your mouth and the gel may be a higher concentration than your teeth need.

If you do experience any unusual symptoms from teeth whitening, contact our clinic to see one of our dentists right away.



How can I keep my teeth white?

Teeth whitening isn’t a permanent treatment. If you want to maintain your white smile, we can provide replacement whitening gel and create new custom trays if your teeth change position. But it’s also important that you cut down on food, drink and activities that may be causing your teeth to become stained in the first place.


We recommend that you avoid smoking and consuming staining food and drink such as tea and coffee while your whitening treatment is in progress, as this can affect its results. After your treatment, you should still try to avoid these as much as possible, or your white smile may fade faster. Drinking through a straw can help, as it reduces contact with your teeth.


It’s also important to follow good oral hygiene, as problems like tooth decay and gum disease can also cause your teeth to darken. We advise that you brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day to help keep dental plaque at bay. You should also try to cut down on sugar and visit your dentist every 6 months for a check-up and clean.



Illuminate Your Smile with Dentashire Dental’s Teeth Whitening Solutions

Are you ready to transform your smile into your most radiant accessory?

Dentashire is thrilled to introduce our exclusive Teeth Whitening promotion, designed to bring the brilliance back to your smile. We offer two exceptional options tailored to your needs and lifestyle.



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